Middlesboro Elks Lodge #119 Feed Struggling Families
This Christmas season Middlesboro Elks Lodge #119 used approximately $1700 of a $2000 grant from the Elks National Foundation to prepare 40 food boxes for financially struggling families and individuals.

As they have done for the past few years, the Elks selected the faith-based social service organization, Cooperative Christian Ministry (CCM) to choose the recipients, thereby assuring that only those with the most need would receive them. After assembly, Elk members delivered the food to CCM headquarters for distribution just before Christmas.

In addition, the Elks donated the remainder
of their grant, about $300, to CCM for use in their general fund.
Pictured on the day of delivery with part of the food boxes are from left, Elk members George Browning, Odell Parker, and CCM Director Eric Martin.