Letter from State Sponsor, Ted Hess
To the Elks of Kentucky:
The corona-virus pandemic has altered our way of life in America. The impact on the Elks of Kentucky has been significant. Here is a summary of where we are today. As you know, the situation is very fluid and the rules are changing almost on a daily basis.
District Deputy Combined Clinic: Scheduled for April 19th was postponed until further notice.
Grand Lodge Convention: The Grand Lodge Convention Commission in Chicago has been in daily contact with Baltimore officials regarding whether we will have a Grand Lodge Convention July 5-8, 2020. The short answer is that we do not know. There are a number of factors at play, including Executive Orders that may be issued by the state and federal governments. There is also the possibility of monetary penalties the Order may have to pay to Baltimore if the Elks do not meet our contractual hotel room count commitments. At present Baltimore is taking the position its convention center and the hotels will be available for all events scheduled in May, June and July. We are hopeful a decision can be made by late April. Stay tuned!
State Mid-Year Convention: We are still planning to conduct our Mid-Year Convention August 7-9th at the Delta Marriott Hotel in Ashland. President Jesse Shipp and convention chairman Jack Brown will keep us informed in the coming weeks.
Local Lodges: The Executive Orders issued by Gov. Beshear prohibits members from gathering at the Lodge for Lodge meetings. Nevertheless, the Lodges may want to install their officers by other means. It is assumed all Lodges completed the process on nominating and electing Lodge officers during February for the ensuing year. Our Statutes permit any PER or the outgoing ER to install the new officers. This can be done on an individual basis and at a location other than the Lodge. Social Distancing would need to be observed. If necessary, the installation ceremony could also be conducted by telephone.
Bottom Line: All Kentucky Elks should stay at home as much as possible, practice Social Distancing at all times, and follow CDC guidelines for self-protection. Lodge Officers and members are encouraged to find ways to conduct Lodge and District business by telephone, email or by a remote access meeting site on the web, including installation of officers and committee meetings, until the expiration of the Governor’s Orders. We will get through this together, so please stay calm and remain vigilant. This Status Report may not answer every possible question, but in all things, use your best judgement and common sense, with health and safety of your members, their families and the community in mind. These are difficult times that require difficult decisions, and sacrifices, to encourage and promote the safety and continued good health of us all.
Respectively submitted,
Lester C “Ted” Hess-KY Sponsor
Greg G. Willis SDGER-KY