Letter from KY State President
Stuart G. Swinney 3513 Allison Way
State President Louisville, KY 40220
Kentucky Elks Association (502) 724-8455 Cell
E-mail: Diza36@gmail.com
Kentucky Elks Association Lodges and Members,
On November 9th, The National Elks Association will institute a new Lodge to our Association! Elizabethtown Lodge # 2891. The start of a new lodge is a momentous occasion for any state and as such this association is extremely proud and looks forward to the many years of service to the Elizabethtown area for our newest member!
It is written in the Lodge Institution manual that it is customary for the existing Lodges of a State Association to provide gifts from their Lodges to the new Lodge to assist in its start. While it is not mandatory, I urge each Lodge to contact Elizabeth Harbolt to review what is needed, and if possible, make arrangements to get these gifts to her before the 9th of November.
It is my understanding that Invites to this occasion either have or are in the process of being extended. I look forward to seeing everyone in Elizabethtown on the 9th.
Stuart G. Swinney
State President
Kentucky Elks Association