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Kentucky Elks Association - Membership Matters

Fellow KY Elks,

 I am reaching out today about membership in our lodges, we all have done a fantastic job this year on gaining new members, we have a new lodge in the west and are at 297 new members as of today so kudos to everyone for that, great job. We also have 108 that are ready to be initiated so let’s make sure we get them initiated before March 31st by starting on these now and not wait till the last minute this year.

Now with all that being said, we are failing in the delinquencies department we are at 497 that are unpaid currently. So today let’s start by reaching out to these members and get them back in good standing, reminding them why they joined our great organization in first place, remind them about all the good we do in our communities and across the state and what the Elks are about. Please reach out to as many as possible and see why they have not stayed current, lets find out their reason and see if they need our help maybe they moved and we just need to get them involved with a lodge closer to where they are now, maybe they are having health issues that we have not heard about and we will not know unless we ask. Also, we have options we can call by phone, reach out by mail, or even get a group together and make a visit to their home. Bottom line is we just need to communicate some way. I also want to remind everyone that your lodge does have an option when a long standing member is experiencing some kind of hardship in their life you can assist them with their membership and keep them as a member of your lodge, let’s remember the Elks are here to help our communities, neighbors, Veterans and homeless, and sometimes our own as well.


Now at this time I would like us all to pause for a moment to remember our absent members that we have lost this year, we have lost 81 members in our state this year, we want to remember them at this time, because Elks are never forgotten.

And the last thing if anyone needs help with membership there is a webinar available from Rick Gathen that you can watch. Here!,, *Webinar Passcode: wzJ7D!Af


 Kentucky Membership Committee Chairman

 Monte A McBride PER



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