Grand Lodge is holding a Grand Lodge Community Project Contest. Even though all KY Lodges are closed due to COVID-19, I am encouraging all Lodges to submit and entry form, the entry form is linked below and available on the download page. Grand Lodge will be awarding first - second - and third place winners in each of the six membership categories.
To enter the contest the Exalted Ruler of each Lodge must complete the attached Lodge Community Project Contest Entry Form. The completed form is due by May 1, 2020. Please send the contest entry form to:
David Lake, Chairman and Area 3 Member of the Grand Lodge Activities Committee
2090 West First St. Apt 2307
Fort Myer FL 33901-3123.
Email: David Lake
The winners will be announced at the Grand Lodge Convention in Baltimore.
Some successful projects ideas recently have focused on youth, veterans or others in need. The goal is to enhance community awareness of the good work we do as Elks and to have the community better understand who we are and what we do as a fraternal organization.
Roberta Parsons
Chairman, Lodge Activities, Kentucky Elks Association