2024 KEA Convention - Letter from President Swinney
January 17, 2025,
Kentucky Elks,
I wanted to take a few minutes to go over some things prior to our Convention next month. This letter will also include the agenda for our 123rd Convention and a few procedural items. Download the agenda here!
First off let’s discuss Membership! We have done good this year, even added a new Lodge in the West. The problem is we are looking at a deficit in membership. In looking at the numbers, we are currently sitting on around 108 persons awaiting initiation! Please redouble your efforts in your Lodge and Initiate & reach out to your delinquents. We have till March 31st to turn this around.
Second, at our convention during the Friday Business session we will have a discussion and vote on a KEA by-laws change. This change deals with the make-up and duties of the governing group that will administer the Funds for the State Major Project Endowment. Please make sure your Lodge has representation during this proceeding.
Third, to Facilitate a more streamlined Business session for both days of our Convention, I am including a copy of our agenda, we will follow this as best as possible. If you are to follow the person giving a report, please come up front in the “On-deck” area and be prepared to give your report. If we make changes in the order, we will inform you as soon as possible. I also ask that Persons that give reports, please send an electronic to our state Secretary PRIOR to the convention to dgg747@yahoo.com also have a printed copy of your report prepared and after the report is given, if you did not send it prior, please give that printed copy to our State Secretary.
Stuart G. Swinney
State President